Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Serving Sizes

"Supersize me." I don't think so! From what I've read in my research for various posts I am working on, it's just as important to be aware of how much we eat, as it is to be aware of what we eat.

We've all heard, "only eat the appropriate serving size and you won't over eat." Well just exactly how much is that? You read in a previous post about how much of your daily food intake should be of what foods. The new Choose My Plate program is extremely useful, but we need more visuals to help us understanding just how much is enough. I mean, who's going to measure everything they eat? Are you? Me either. Take a look at the chart below. Are you eating the right amount of foods?

 For another really great visual go to Portion Visuals from Virgina Public Schools.

I highly recommend spending some time perusing the Choose My Plate website.  The healthy eating resources are endless. Honestly, there is just too much there for me to ever share.

1 comment:

  1. If we needed another reminder of how important a healthy diet is...

    Paula - "Needs more butter, ya'll!" - Deen announced recently that she has been diagnosed with diabetes.
